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Letter from Mrs Mathews

National Lockdown Announcement


Dear Parents and Carers

I am sure you all heard the news yesterday about the new National Lockdown.  Just to keep you updated, Southwood and Downs Barn are now closed to all pupils except for those whose parents are Key Workers, or those who we have considered to be eligible to be at school for a particular reason.

If you think that you need your child to attend school because you are a Key Worker, or because you think your child should be eligible to come into school, please telephone the school number to talk to me, Mrs Mathews.

Remote Learning is now being provided for all children on a daily basis, with lessons throughout the day.  It is vital that your child completes this learning, so that they don't fall behind the rest of the year group.  If you have problems with not having enough devices, or phone data to support your child's remote learning, please telephone the school, so we can support you.  You don't need to print out all the activities, children can just record their work in their exercise books (if you need another, please contact the school).

I really hope that it will not be too long before we see all our children back at school again.  All the staff miss them greatly and even though remote learning is being provided, we are all looking forward to being able to work together in the classrooms again soon.

Please take care of yourselves, follow all the Lockdown guidelines and keep yourselves safe.

Mrs Mathews