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Curriculum, Phonics, KS1 Reading Scheme and Music Development Plan

We use Little Wandle scheme to teach phonics in Downs Barn School.  All teachers and LSAs have been trained with the resources and teaching sequences and a weekly teaching progression document is used by all to ensure children are taught at the correct pace.  Interventions are put in place for children who need additional support with learning phonics.

Reading books are given to the children to match the phonics that they have learnt to read.  There are also other Sharing Books available to all children to ensure children have a range of books to develop their reading over time.  Children read every day at the end of their phonics sessions within their group.

Long term overviews are available for each year group on the Class Information pages.  

Our Knowledge and Skills Curriculum document is used by teachers to ensure that the children are taught to know and understand key skills for each subject, in each year group.

We ensure that our children are taught about a range of faiths, which represent our wonderfully diverse school. Parents and carers can, however, withdraw their children for all or part of the RE lessons. If this is something that you are considering, please contact Mrs Mathews to discuss it further.

The BPP Music Development Plan can be accessed by clicking on the file below.

If you would like any further information about our curriculum, please feel free to call the school and ask for the Deputy Head or Headteacher.