Our uniform consists of:
- White polo shirt, or t-shirt
- Emerald green sweatshirt, or cardigan (school colour only)
- Plain black, or grey trousers, shorts or skirt (no leggings or jogging bottoms)
- Green and white checked dress in the summer months
- Plain sensible shoes (no heels)
- No jewellery except stud earrings (hoop earrings must not be worn) or a watch
- Black, green or white headscarf
School uniform with our School Logo can be purchased from Kedaph Schoolwear (https://kedaphschoolwear.co.uk/ ), however uniform without logo can be purchased from clothes stores and supermarkets. There is no requirement for children to wear clothes with the school logo, however, sweatshirts/cardigans must be the correct shade of green (Emerald Green).
Second Hand Uniform is collected and available for families at a cost of £1 per item. There will be a number of opportunities to purchase these items throughout the school year.
Our PE Kit is black shorts, or tracksuit trousers, a white t-shirt and plimsolls or plain trainers. Earrings must be removed for PE, or taped by the child with their own medical tape.
Children can wear PE kit all day on PE days at present, as we are not changing for PE lessons. Long hair must be tied up for PE lessons.
Smart watches must be handed into reception at the beginning of the day (as must mobile phones) and can be collected at the end of the day. Only watches that do not make telephone calls or connect to the internet will be permitted. Nail varnish is not permitted.